NOTE:You can get the weaker version "Magic weapon "from Carhillion of the Fold in no mans wharf. You should always have a weapon ready to use magic weapon on. Infusion is not necessary unless you want to. Data analytics for making a general theory on how magic could work in Dungeons and Dragons 5e. You only need two attunement slots for this, so do not worry about needing the southern ritual band unless you didn't put many points into ATN.
Next upgrade your main weapon and your shield, then your armor, then your catylyst.įinally you need to find your spells. You can also use greatshields if you wish to put a few extra points into VIT. The best medium shields for tanking early-game is the Old Knight shield and the. The next thing you need is a good shield. There is a sorcers staff in a chest behind a hidden wall near the stairs where you fight through the group of enemies to get the white sign soapstone. The first thing to focus on with this build is upgrading your INT, and finding a catalyst of your choice. Like the Royal soldier set or the Alva set. Your main armor should be something Sturdy, and with good poise. Your main weapon can be anything, but my perferred choice is the broadsword or the morning star, since you will be close to your enemies most of the time.